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  • Experienced, qualified A-Level teacher

  • Maths specialist

  • Courses tailored to you and your needs

  • Friendly, patient and professional

If you think you might benefit from a bit of extra support in your Maths or Further Maths A or AS level, or you need a quick booster course before your exams, or if you are considering taking an A-Level exam later this year after a disappointing grade given by your school, then I can help you.


Online tuition

Online tuition has come a long way in the past few years. With fast internet, developments in technology, and software built with collaboration and communication in mind, it can now offer all the advantages of traditional tutorials and much more!


By using a combination of collaborative online working tools I am able to teach in much the same way as if I were sitting in the same room! I can talk face to face with students, share documents and worksheets, teach using a whiteboard onto which I can paste and annotate a student's work, worksheets, notes, anything really. Students can also write and paste onto the whiteboard, enabling the student and tutor to work together. All notes and collaborations are saved for the student to go over after the session at their leisure.


Working with a professionally qualified and experienced teacher will enable you to learn quickly and efficiently. They will be able to assess your learning needs quickly and fit their teaching style to your requirements. They will be able to teach anything you need thoroughly and will be well aware of the common pitfalls and mistakes students make and know the best ways to explain difficult concepts and methods. They will be familiar with exam questions and the ways to answer them that will maximise your marks. There really is no replacement for a qualified and experienced teacher and the extra cost involved will be well worth it.



I have an extensive repertoire of methods and materials to help any student improve their understanding of A-Level Maths, no matter what stage they are at or how complete their understanding is.


Individually tailored

One to one tuition creates the possibility of tailoring a course to specifically target an individual student and meet their individual needs. In this way it is much more effective than classroom teaching which is generally aimed at the ‘average’ student. With this individualised approach I can better help prepare students for exams, helping them to achieve results that give the best reflection of their ability and hard work.



One-to-one tuition never lets the student fall behind, never allows the student to feel inadequate and will never leave a student stuck, unable to move onwards.

One-to-one tuition can boost a student's confidence, giving a greater sense of achievement which in turn helps them to experience more enjoyment in the subject, motivating them to do well. For these reasons it can be an ideal compliment to classroom tuition or can work equally well as a standalone course.

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